Apr 26, 02:50 PM
12Mbps? you sure you didn't mean 1.5GBs?
Thanks for pointing out the typo - I meant 12 Gbps.
(original fixed)
Thanks for pointing out the typo - I meant 12 Gbps.
(original fixed)

Apr 27, 09:20 AM
I too bought a new imac on the 16th. After finding out about the refresh I took it back on the 21st, no questions asked but they knew why I was doing it. I would agree to take it back before the 30th and wait it out. You will kick yourself in the butt unless you are 100% satisfied already.

Dec 1, 07:32 PM
still better than windoze

May 4, 12:41 AM
Probably trying to sync up AT&T and VZN.

Jan 30, 03:26 PM
Charlie Sheen is on the short track of life ... soon to depart from this world.
Sadly, I have to agree with this.
Sadly, I have to agree with this.

Jul 28, 09:07 AM
Here is my take on this.
Apple has this market wrapped up. People don't know what an MP3 player is, they know what an iPod is.
Those who love the Zune are hypocrites. Everyone hates the iPod. Why? Inferior everything. Plus you are locked into the iPod/iTunes/iTMS and can't do what you want with your music.
Now, MS is doing the same thing. And everyone praises it. They are pulling the same add campaign as Sandisk was. Conforming isn't cool, don't be a sheep. If everyone starts buying a Zune aren't you still a sheep if you buy it? Not to mention they are dumping PlaysForSure, the DRM they helped build, and screwing tons of people who have bought PFS music already. Not to mention screwing their partners.
The fact that the will buy you out of iTunes shows what kind of game they are playing. They don't care about consumers, all they care about is winning. All I can say is they are 5 years late to the ball game. Good luck.
Also, it is slated that the big Zune will be $399, with a nice feature set including bluetooth, wifi, 30GB, big screen, etc.
Apple will release new ipods. If they will replace the current iPods or be a new product I am not sure. But we expect them to be the true video iPod. In which case it will have more capacity and the same feature set if not more for the same price. With the brand recognition it has already they will surely win.
Apple has this market wrapped up. People don't know what an MP3 player is, they know what an iPod is.
Those who love the Zune are hypocrites. Everyone hates the iPod. Why? Inferior everything. Plus you are locked into the iPod/iTunes/iTMS and can't do what you want with your music.
Now, MS is doing the same thing. And everyone praises it. They are pulling the same add campaign as Sandisk was. Conforming isn't cool, don't be a sheep. If everyone starts buying a Zune aren't you still a sheep if you buy it? Not to mention they are dumping PlaysForSure, the DRM they helped build, and screwing tons of people who have bought PFS music already. Not to mention screwing their partners.
The fact that the will buy you out of iTunes shows what kind of game they are playing. They don't care about consumers, all they care about is winning. All I can say is they are 5 years late to the ball game. Good luck.
Also, it is slated that the big Zune will be $399, with a nice feature set including bluetooth, wifi, 30GB, big screen, etc.
Apple will release new ipods. If they will replace the current iPods or be a new product I am not sure. But we expect them to be the true video iPod. In which case it will have more capacity and the same feature set if not more for the same price. With the brand recognition it has already they will surely win.

Apr 28, 11:19 AM
Hmmmm . . .
Should Google be more excited about how many copies of Android it has sold . . . .
Or Apple about how many copies of the iPhone it has sold ?
(little hint, Google isn't selling the Android OS)
Should Google be more excited about how many copies of Android it has sold . . . .
Or Apple about how many copies of the iPhone it has sold ?
(little hint, Google isn't selling the Android OS)

Apr 16, 07:45 PM
Welcome to the twelfth installment of the Simple Werewolves Game!
The game will begin as soon as discussion and sign-ups conclude. The number of people that sign-up will dictate how many and what type of werewolves we have in the game.
This game is a blend of simple and live formats. This means that lynching occurs after a time period, not majority. Specials also only have 24 hours to PM.
Hunter: The Hunter can pick a player to protect every night against werewolf attacks. However, the Hunter cannot protect the same player two nights in a row, and cannot protect him/herself. The protection does extend into the daytime, meaning the Hunter can protect a villager from a Kamikaze Werewolf attack.
Seer: The Seer can find the true role of any ALIVE player.
Villager: Same as before.
Neighborhood Watch: Three elves that can exchange PMs with one another. Their members can be infected and they cannot recruit additional members. They have no decisions to PM to me. What they discuss is up to them. The roles of Neighborhood Watch will only be giving if there are more then 15 people playing.
The Werewolves: Werewolves can PM each other. They pick one villager to eat per night. There are three kinds of werewolves;
a) Alpha Wolf, can at any time during the game, pick one villager to infect. This will convert the villager into a normal werewolf (no special abilities) and join the werewolves' team. The infection is effective against specials such as the Seer.
b) Kamikaze Werewolf has the ability to pick any one villager to kill during his lynching. In other words, if he is voted to be hanged, he will take one villager with him.
c) The normal Werewolf has no powers.
a) Villagers can NOT PM each other. (exception: neighborhood watch members)
b) Werewolves CAN PM each other.
c) Players can edit their posts during the game is in progress, however if you edit your post, you MUST give an explanation of why/what you edited.
d) (a.k.a. the jav6454 rule (by the way of -aggie-) :D) Dead players can NOT participate in the game - this includes providing information, encouragement, tips or otherwise. This has been an issue in the previous game, so I'm going to be more strict with this. Dead players are eligible to ONE post following his death. This one post follows the same rules as before - cannot influence the game, and so forth. Posts consisting of little more than an image is DISCOURAGED, so please avoid this. Dead players are allowed to post as much or as often as they want. But they must make all of there posts in the colour gray. The posts are also not allowed to influence the game in any way. If you are unsure of a post topic, don't post it. Good posts are along the lines of "Good job villagers!". A bad post would be: "I think Bob is a wolf." If people start posting things that could influence the game, I will ask them to edit the post to remove the offending text then reinstate the jav rule.
e) Voting for lynching will close 24 hours after day has started. (Unless stated otherwise.)
f) Voting can only take place in the daytime. Any votes made during the night will not be counted.
g) For clarity, when you vote, bold the name of the player you're voting for. This alleviates confusion and makes it easier for me to count the votes. You can also play with this - "I really like Bob, he's a great guy" counts as a vote for Bob You can jokingly vote by not bolding the name - it will not be counted.
h) You can retract and change your vote at any time up to the close of the vote.
i) The game will begin at DAYTIME, the days are 24 hours unless specified else. The person with the most votes will be lynched at that time. In the event of a tie, the first person to that number of votes is lynched.
j) There will be a TIME LIMIT of 24 hours for Specials to send in their PMs. The time limit will be 24 hours after the posting of the lynching. (NOT after the voting closes). Please remember that you can pre-PM these actions at the start of the day preceding the night in question. You can change this action up until the next morning. I also remind you that the villagers can agree to not lynch anyone with a unanimous vote.
k) I will post special results as soon as I am online and have them all. Thus, it is highly recommended that you set your profile to invisible mode so that other posters cannot view your login activity to see if you were online in the period between lynching and special results.
l) Villagers will now be told if they are scanned or protected. Specials should consider this before preforming their actions.
m) This question has came up in the discussion, so here is the turn order during the night:
Werewolf infects
Seer scans;
Hunter protects;
Werewolves attack.
n) If a player is a mod, he or she is not allowed to use their other godly powers to alter the game.
o) It is recommended that the players put their status into Invisible Mode.
To do this:
Go to User CP (http://forums.macrumors.com/usercp.php)
Edit options
Check Invisible Mode
I will assign roles via Random.org, so looking for patterns will be fruitless (but not vegetableless, eat your veggies).
1. -aggie- dead - wolf
2. ucfgrad93 - dead
3. NathanMuir - dead
4. Eldiablojoe - dead - wolf
5. lbro
6. Moyank24 - dead
7. appleguy321 - dead
8. chrmjenkins
9. nies - dead - wolf
10. Don't panic - dead
11. Plutonius - dead
12. jav6454 - dead
The game will begin as soon as discussion and sign-ups conclude. The number of people that sign-up will dictate how many and what type of werewolves we have in the game.
This game is a blend of simple and live formats. This means that lynching occurs after a time period, not majority. Specials also only have 24 hours to PM.
Hunter: The Hunter can pick a player to protect every night against werewolf attacks. However, the Hunter cannot protect the same player two nights in a row, and cannot protect him/herself. The protection does extend into the daytime, meaning the Hunter can protect a villager from a Kamikaze Werewolf attack.
Seer: The Seer can find the true role of any ALIVE player.
Villager: Same as before.
Neighborhood Watch: Three elves that can exchange PMs with one another. Their members can be infected and they cannot recruit additional members. They have no decisions to PM to me. What they discuss is up to them. The roles of Neighborhood Watch will only be giving if there are more then 15 people playing.
The Werewolves: Werewolves can PM each other. They pick one villager to eat per night. There are three kinds of werewolves;
a) Alpha Wolf, can at any time during the game, pick one villager to infect. This will convert the villager into a normal werewolf (no special abilities) and join the werewolves' team. The infection is effective against specials such as the Seer.
b) Kamikaze Werewolf has the ability to pick any one villager to kill during his lynching. In other words, if he is voted to be hanged, he will take one villager with him.
c) The normal Werewolf has no powers.
a) Villagers can NOT PM each other. (exception: neighborhood watch members)
b) Werewolves CAN PM each other.
c) Players can edit their posts during the game is in progress, however if you edit your post, you MUST give an explanation of why/what you edited.
d) (a.k.a. the jav6454 rule (by the way of -aggie-) :D) Dead players can NOT participate in the game - this includes providing information, encouragement, tips or otherwise. This has been an issue in the previous game, so I'm going to be more strict with this. Dead players are eligible to ONE post following his death. This one post follows the same rules as before - cannot influence the game, and so forth. Posts consisting of little more than an image is DISCOURAGED, so please avoid this. Dead players are allowed to post as much or as often as they want. But they must make all of there posts in the colour gray. The posts are also not allowed to influence the game in any way. If you are unsure of a post topic, don't post it. Good posts are along the lines of "Good job villagers!". A bad post would be: "I think Bob is a wolf." If people start posting things that could influence the game, I will ask them to edit the post to remove the offending text then reinstate the jav rule.
e) Voting for lynching will close 24 hours after day has started. (Unless stated otherwise.)
f) Voting can only take place in the daytime. Any votes made during the night will not be counted.
g) For clarity, when you vote, bold the name of the player you're voting for. This alleviates confusion and makes it easier for me to count the votes. You can also play with this - "I really like Bob, he's a great guy" counts as a vote for Bob You can jokingly vote by not bolding the name - it will not be counted.
h) You can retract and change your vote at any time up to the close of the vote.
i) The game will begin at DAYTIME, the days are 24 hours unless specified else. The person with the most votes will be lynched at that time. In the event of a tie, the first person to that number of votes is lynched.
j) There will be a TIME LIMIT of 24 hours for Specials to send in their PMs. The time limit will be 24 hours after the posting of the lynching. (NOT after the voting closes). Please remember that you can pre-PM these actions at the start of the day preceding the night in question. You can change this action up until the next morning. I also remind you that the villagers can agree to not lynch anyone with a unanimous vote.
k) I will post special results as soon as I am online and have them all. Thus, it is highly recommended that you set your profile to invisible mode so that other posters cannot view your login activity to see if you were online in the period between lynching and special results.
l) Villagers will now be told if they are scanned or protected. Specials should consider this before preforming their actions.
m) This question has came up in the discussion, so here is the turn order during the night:
Werewolf infects
Seer scans;
Hunter protects;
Werewolves attack.
n) If a player is a mod, he or she is not allowed to use their other godly powers to alter the game.
o) It is recommended that the players put their status into Invisible Mode.
To do this:
Go to User CP (http://forums.macrumors.com/usercp.php)
Edit options
Check Invisible Mode
I will assign roles via Random.org, so looking for patterns will be fruitless (but not vegetableless, eat your veggies).
1. -aggie- dead - wolf
2. ucfgrad93 - dead
3. NathanMuir - dead
4. Eldiablojoe - dead - wolf
5. lbro
6. Moyank24 - dead
7. appleguy321 - dead
8. chrmjenkins
9. nies - dead - wolf
10. Don't panic - dead
11. Plutonius - dead
12. jav6454 - dead

Adidas Addict
Apr 15, 03:09 AM
I've been happily using my old iPhone 3G until a few weeks ago when my partner got herself an iPhone 4. I can't get over how fast it compared to my old chugger! So have had a bout of upgrade-itis since then. The white 4 looks amazing, just hope it gets released in the UK soon.

Apple all life
Oct 20, 08:37 PM
http://i688.photobucket.com/albums/vv245/ninjasownyou/chrome_mini_gryblk_09.jpg Chrome mini metro. I dont really ride bikes but I still think its an awesome bag.

Apr 13, 06:36 AM
Waiting for you to change the tone when Apple comes out with widgets and custom personalization.
You sound like I am against it.
You sound like I am against it.

Apr 26, 08:09 PM
The displayed here by some members is disheartening to say the least. I feel for the woman who was beaten and hope she had a speedy recovery.
transphobia That's a new one. It's almost as funny as the visual I got with a dude at the urinal with D cups.
transphobia That's a new one. It's almost as funny as the visual I got with a dude at the urinal with D cups.

Apr 24, 06:57 PM
I wouldn't want that person in the same bathroom with my daughter.
Why not?
Why not?

Dec 1, 03:37 PM
So many Mac users are completely ignorant and oblivious to the fact that their Mac is, contrary to popular belief, not that secure in some respects. Many Mac zealots and apologists will tout how bullet-proof OS X is, how it's nothing like Windows, how it's amazingly secure - well, it isn't in some cases.
Yep, Artie MacStrawman (http://www.crazyapplerumors.com/?p=664), I hate that guy.
Apple's response is, I think, much more important than the MOKB finding a handful of vulnerabilities in OSX, if they address the problem quickly and respond accordingly with a good Security Update, than I think we can still be relatively assured that OSX is safe. We'll also have to see how quickly various black-hats respond to Vista.
Yep, Artie MacStrawman (http://www.crazyapplerumors.com/?p=664), I hate that guy.
Apple's response is, I think, much more important than the MOKB finding a handful of vulnerabilities in OSX, if they address the problem quickly and respond accordingly with a good Security Update, than I think we can still be relatively assured that OSX is safe. We'll also have to see how quickly various black-hats respond to Vista.

Sep 30, 09:47 AM
It's interesting how cell service works. Here's a simplistic summary:
Only a certain number of users can use a tower at any given time. There is only a certain range of frequencies that can be used. All towers use these same frequencies. This means that each tower must not overlap the others in terms of coverage area and frequenceis. To ensure this, companies actually use different frequency ranges on adjacent towers. Further limiting how many users can use each tower.
The solution to this is to create smaller cell sites that cover a smaller area (and therefore will have fewer users at any given time). The problem with this is that each new cell site requires a new tower. With all the opposition to new tower construction it can take months or years to get approval to build one.
With the massive growth in cell usage companies are having to create smaller and smaller cell sites. Because of the way the system works putting up one new tower requires the reconfiguration of all the adjacent towers. Their signal area must be changed, their frequencies must be changed and it all must be integrated together.
When you get a dropped call, it's usually because you are moving into another cell site (serviced by a new tower). Your call must be handed off to the new tower. If this new tower is at capacity or overloaded, failures happen.
This is why it sucks for very high density areas.
Luckily in Minneapolis we have very good AT&T coverage. I get very fast 3G speeds and <1% dropped calls everywhere I go. Thank you urban sprawl for spreading everyone out.. When I was in NYC I noticed by data speeds were much slower. I didn't make enough calls to have any problems with that though.
Only a certain number of users can use a tower at any given time. There is only a certain range of frequencies that can be used. All towers use these same frequencies. This means that each tower must not overlap the others in terms of coverage area and frequenceis. To ensure this, companies actually use different frequency ranges on adjacent towers. Further limiting how many users can use each tower.
The solution to this is to create smaller cell sites that cover a smaller area (and therefore will have fewer users at any given time). The problem with this is that each new cell site requires a new tower. With all the opposition to new tower construction it can take months or years to get approval to build one.
With the massive growth in cell usage companies are having to create smaller and smaller cell sites. Because of the way the system works putting up one new tower requires the reconfiguration of all the adjacent towers. Their signal area must be changed, their frequencies must be changed and it all must be integrated together.
When you get a dropped call, it's usually because you are moving into another cell site (serviced by a new tower). Your call must be handed off to the new tower. If this new tower is at capacity or overloaded, failures happen.
This is why it sucks for very high density areas.
Luckily in Minneapolis we have very good AT&T coverage. I get very fast 3G speeds and <1% dropped calls everywhere I go. Thank you urban sprawl for spreading everyone out.. When I was in NYC I noticed by data speeds were much slower. I didn't make enough calls to have any problems with that though.

Apr 22, 11:27 AM
Yeah while Apple realizes people want their mobile smartphone to be small and portable as that is a key part of the puzzle the rest of the industry is trying to duplicate this:
Image (http://i54.tinypic.com/2r5q079.jpg)
with a touch screen.
There can only be one Michael Douglas.
Image (http://i54.tinypic.com/2r5q079.jpg)
with a touch screen.
There can only be one Michael Douglas.

Nov 11, 07:36 AM
B&O Beosound 8 (http://www.bang-olufsen.com/beosound8)
This would go really well in the dining room.
It looks like a pair of tits? lol
This would go really well in the dining room.
It looks like a pair of tits? lol

Apr 14, 01:26 PM
iPhone 4 & iPad good to go...CONFIRMED! :p
Apr 22, 05:31 PM
Yuck. What are they thinking? The tear drop looks hideous.
cherry su
Jan 2, 01:15 PM
Emphasis mine. Let's put corn ethanol for vehicle fuel and soy biodiesel aside for a minute. You may be shocked when you find out how much corn and other food is given to livestock to bulk them up for human consumption as meat. It's quite possibly the most inefficient calorie conversion we humans can conjure-- just because we like meat too g**d*** much.
Vegan: The New Ethics Of Eating by Erik Marcus opened my eyes quite a bit about this kind of thing.
(Disclaimer: For a period of time, I was vegan because of what I read in that book and other resources. Nowadays I'm "flexitarian", eating meat for only about 10% of my intake, mainly in the interest of family harmony; I could "go veg" again rather easily.)
Agreed. The documentary Food Inc. brought this to my attention. It's quite freaky, feeding corn to cows. o_o
Vegan: The New Ethics Of Eating by Erik Marcus opened my eyes quite a bit about this kind of thing.
(Disclaimer: For a period of time, I was vegan because of what I read in that book and other resources. Nowadays I'm "flexitarian", eating meat for only about 10% of my intake, mainly in the interest of family harmony; I could "go veg" again rather easily.)
Agreed. The documentary Food Inc. brought this to my attention. It's quite freaky, feeding corn to cows. o_o
Nov 4, 06:59 PM
Some AERO clothes. Maybe.
Apr 14, 09:01 AM
So am I the only one left with the original iPhone? Had it since Sep 2006. Was going to wait for the 5, but I'll just get a white 4 in a few weeks. I'm happy.
I am in the same boat as you. I think you and I are the only people in the planet that has the original iphone. Not sure if I will get the white4 or wait for the 5.
I am in the same boat as you. I think you and I are the only people in the planet that has the original iphone. Not sure if I will get the white4 or wait for the 5.
Apr 30, 07:28 PM
I scanned chrmjenkins, and he is a villager.
Someone asked about my first scan, and unfortunately that was Appleguy123, who was killed before I had the nerve to out myself.
Ok guys, now you know I'm clean. It's still possible that aggie could be the wolf who is trying to buy (my) our trust.
Since eldiablojoe was alpha, we have to ask who he would infect among the rest of us. It's really a toss up. Aggie makes sense, especially if he was able to scan and kill the hunter and then name me clean because he knew I had to be.
Also makes sense to infect hunter, but I don't even know if he is still alive.
Someone asked about my first scan, and unfortunately that was Appleguy123, who was killed before I had the nerve to out myself.
Ok guys, now you know I'm clean. It's still possible that aggie could be the wolf who is trying to buy (my) our trust.
Since eldiablojoe was alpha, we have to ask who he would infect among the rest of us. It's really a toss up. Aggie makes sense, especially if he was able to scan and kill the hunter and then name me clean because he knew I had to be.
Also makes sense to infect hunter, but I don't even know if he is still alive.
Jul 28, 12:18 PM
Now is really the time for Apple to go all out and move in on MS....
If I were Steve, I would be cranking out products, and really pushing hard to get stuff like a full on Mac media center, next gen iPods, iPhones, iTablets ect. ect..
Just because MS is kind of in limbo right now, not really doing anything big, Gates just stepped down...now is the time to really move in on their territory.
Maybe that's exactly what they're doing, but it seems like the big product announcements have dropped off completley....the last big announcement was the Macbook, which was a no brainer...high fi ect....
Hopefully they are all going mad scientist in the Apple labs cooking something really special up, and are just going to unload them all at once....we'll see...
If I were Steve, I would be cranking out products, and really pushing hard to get stuff like a full on Mac media center, next gen iPods, iPhones, iTablets ect. ect..
Just because MS is kind of in limbo right now, not really doing anything big, Gates just stepped down...now is the time to really move in on their territory.
Maybe that's exactly what they're doing, but it seems like the big product announcements have dropped off completley....the last big announcement was the Macbook, which was a no brainer...high fi ect....
Hopefully they are all going mad scientist in the Apple labs cooking something really special up, and are just going to unload them all at once....we'll see...
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