Sunday 22 May 2011

album justin timberlake justified

album justin timberlake justified. justin timberlake justified
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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 25, 01:25 AM
    Re: Zune already features none-touch technology

    I wouldn't touch one.

    Zune already features none-touch technology? Huh? Zune doesn't even exist yet (at least from a consumer point of view), so how can you say it already has anything?

    Comparing two products that haven't been released (nor even had their specs officially released) seems quite pointless...

    album justin timberlake justified. album justin timberlake
  • album justin timberlake

  • prostuff1
    Oct 23, 09:28 AM
    I think it's best if Vista is avoided altogether. The best way to avoid problems with Microsoft is not to give them any money and not to load any of their software on your computer.

    At work here we just discovered that upgrading to Internet Exploder 7 causes two of our most important Internet based products to not work properly. They ever heard about backwards compatibility or testing at Microsoft? Just reinforces my reasoning for not sending Microsoft almost $300 to subject myself to their newest software fiasco. I think I'll do something more rewarding and pleasurable like jab a Bic pen into the palm of my hand.

    I get why you are mad that IE 7 broke your product but I think one of microsofts biggest problems is that they have to continually think about the backwards compatability. If they don't there customers get mad but they are also mad when nothing new happens with the OS. I am not saying that there is nothing new in Vista but when they have to consider ALL the software and hardware they have to support from "legacy" system it can be overwhelming.

    I think that if microsfot keeps up this trend of a new OS every 4 years (or whatever the time frame has been for Vista) they should make baselines and then tell everyone that software is going to have to be tweaked and changed for the next version of the OS.

    Kinda like apple switching to intel. Apple told it customers and then helped the transition buy providing a tool to make universal binaries. For the most part i think Apple did a good job with the transition and everything went pretty smooth. Microsoft needs to take a similar approach with its next OS version.

    But that is just my opinion.

    album justin timberlake justified. Justified Justin Timberlake
  • Justified Justin Timberlake

  • Daveoc64
    Apr 24, 07:58 PM
    I just seen a T-Mobile commercial where they threw an iPhone 4. :(

    Sounds a bit different to the sort of ads T-Mobile has in the UK:

    album justin timberlake justified. justified cd Justin Timberlake
  • justified cd Justin Timberlake

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:23 AM
    Aren't we quickly getting to the point where it's all about the software?

    Yes. I really wouldn't care if iPhone hardware upgrades came every 2 years. Just keep those iOS updates coming! That's the more important part now.


    album justin timberlake justified. Justin Timberlake DVD
  • Justin Timberlake DVD

  • Kyffin
    Nov 16, 01:33 PM
    No doubt, I like nice things too and have my selection of vainness in my closet (diamond Gucci watch, LV messenger bag/wallets/etc) but when it comes to clothes, sure I'll spend $100 on a nice collared shirt or nice jeans or something, but $250 is just too far for me personally--shirts DO wear out for me after only a year or two. Sure they look good and still feel fine--until you buy a new one and have a fresh snug one to compare it to--then the old one just feels like junky crap that has lost its form over the last year or two, at least for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't buy/can't stand crappy cheap clothes, all my stuff is upper-end, but there's a personal limit where the value just isn't there for the money on short term clothes--I switch stuff out every couple years as styles/tastes change anyway.

    Hey bruv, I completely get what you're saying and I no way doubt your usage/taste; its just what works for me- as you say, you may switch looks while I've looked the same for years so yeah cost/value will be as different as taste. I've been a trouser/shirt man for basically ever (wont and haven't worn jeans since a lad, leather soles and 100% natural all the way ever then) and rock the scruffy side of louche so am quite happy to be wearing 5 year linen on my back (also find it hangs better with time and that fresh paper feel is only an iron away).

    Personally theres no way I'd justify spending money to make myself look different (re: flitting scenesters) but am always amazed at how different threads change your behaviour (shoes and trousers definitely on the stride/ jacket on the bearing &c.)

    Hey, btw anybody after any nods I don't think you could do better to see where Prince Charles and the Duke of Windsor do their shopping (not a comment on the monarchy rather where a dandy without limit chooses to go:D)

    album justin timberlake justified. justin timberlake justified
  • justin timberlake justified

  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 28, 04:38 PM
    If I can't get my hand around it, then it's a deal breaker for me.... :rolleyes:

    You are holding it wrong.




    album justin timberlake justified. my love justin timberlake
  • my love justin timberlake

  • appleguy123
    Jan 25, 10:04 PM
    Some books.

    Hope to read them soon.

    album justin timberlake justified. Justin Randall Timberlake
  • Justin Randall Timberlake

  • twoodcc
    Nov 27, 02:28 PM
    Guys, need some help. I have 10 WU completed and I want to get bigadv going. I've read the setup how-to on F@H and am a little lost. Am I correct to say all I have to do to initiate bigadv is put the "-bigadv" string in my parameter block in the smp client control window?

    are you running the console version? most people around here usually run that (i think) in terminal. that's what i do. and i'd advise that for you as well. that way, you just add "-bigadv" in the terminal command.

    but i think you can do it in the other version as well. basically yes, all you need to add is "-bigadv"


    album justin timberlake justified. Justin Timberlake Video
  • Justin Timberlake Video

  • Queso
    Oct 19, 07:56 AM
    Since when did HP become the number 1? I've not heard anything, do you have an article or something that I could possibly read?
    The Gartner report released yesterday had Dell and HP virtually tied for first place with 17.2% market share each (HP ever so slightly higher) and the IDC one had HP 300k units (or 0.2%) ahead.

    Dell are still #1 in the USA, but even there the gap narrowed, from Dell having a 2.2 million unit lead in the previous quarter to a 1.5 million unit lead in the quarter just ended.

    HP are really leaping ahead. I expect they will take the US #1 spot back from Dell sometime next year.

    album justin timberlake justified. Justin Timberlake Pictures
  • Justin Timberlake Pictures

  • evil89
    Apr 1, 01:56 AM

    I don't want an iPad on my Mac, please.


    album justin timberlake justified. Justin Timberlake Lyrics
  • Justin Timberlake Lyrics

  • epmadsen
    Apr 30, 06:01 PM
    Great! Commoditize an art form and degrade it even further.

    It's bad enough we've already hacked music apart by turning it digital, now we're treating it like soda pop. Everything is a bargain bin price war.

    album justin timberlake justified. justin timberlake justified.
  • justin timberlake justified.

  • appleguy123
    Apr 25, 08:27 PM
    After this post, I can�t even think straight.

    I agree. Gay lapdances are looking pretty aPpealing when the alternative is that overpriced.


    album justin timberlake justified. justin timberlake justified
  • justin timberlake justified

  • SciFrog
    Oct 16, 08:55 PM
    With all of my machines (8) I am pulling 25k ppd. The '09 mac pro 2x2.66 is doing 4-5 min per frame for normal units - I'm afraid to change anything right now so I don't lose momentum.

    You should be able to pull 20k ppd with that machine only with the bigadv units...

    album justin timberlake justified. justin timberlake album
  • justin timberlake album

  • BlackMax
    Apr 17, 07:21 PM
    The main reason I bought the current MBA in January was for the C2D/Nvidia combo and I love it. It handles everything I throw at it including gaming on the LAN with my son. My fear is that the next MBAs will be graphically crippled compared to the current models. But time will tell. :)

    Also, my current MBA runs silent and cool. Seeing all the current heat issues with MBs and MBPs running Sandy Bridge it will be interesting to see how cool or silent the SB MBAs run.


    album justin timberlake justified. albums Justified
  • albums Justified

  • brianbobcat
    Oct 19, 07:31 PM
    Can anyone who listened to the whole webcast tell me if the Product (RED) nano was mentioned? I'm working on a project about it and would love to include a quote from an apple exec.


    album justin timberlake justified. justin timberlake justified
  • justin timberlake justified

  • iSee
    Apr 16, 06:27 PM
    Why would you need 64 bit for a MBA? To fly off those huge sample libraries that the processor would lock up over?
    64 bit is only for massive memory allocations and a MBA doesn't even have the CPU to pull it off... :rolleyes:

    At this point I think it's mainly a matter of keeping the platform unified. Why support two kernals longer than you have to? The sooner Apple makes 64-bit the default, the sooner they can dump the 32-bit kernal altogether.


    album justin timberlake justified. Justin Timberlake CD
  • Justin Timberlake CD

  • bloodycape
    Jul 13, 01:10 AM
    It turns out the iPod already has some tough competition in the form of the Toshiba Gigabeat S, the Creative Zen M: and V/V plus and the Samsung YP-Z5 seeing how they have so far beaten the iPod in head to head battle on cnet and that site tends to be a little bias towards the ipod specially editor James Kim.

    album justin timberlake justified. timberlake justified
  • timberlake justified

  • mdriftmeyer
    May 3, 08:08 AM
    Once again, the iMac packs more processing power than the Mac Pro. (Even if you have a single hex-core.)

    For perhaps a month before the Mac Pros are released at WWDC.

    album justin timberlake justified. justin timberlake justified
  • justin timberlake justified

  • shervieux
    Apr 1, 08:12 AM
    That may be ok in iOS and on my iPad as it is easy to use with touch technology, but as more and more business professionals are adopting mac laptops, iMacs or Mac Pros - that is very unprofessional looking to be on a potential business computer. I know Apple wants to be uniform across devices and we are moving closer and closer to everything being iOS as the main operating system. But seriously, businesses will think that is not professional and we are going back to the non-uniform weird looking DOS-based application days. It is true, there is no uniforminality in the apps in the app store. It is having a consistent UI that made it easier for everyone to adopt Windows back in the day. Every application had the same looking and functionality in the GUI; so there was no learning curve.

    That iCal may be easy to use, but is unprofessional looking for potential business computers. Also, many people use ical as it integrates so well with other applications. I still say combine Apple Mail, iCal, and address book into 1 application - so I do not have to have 3 apps open taking up screen space and using more resources. That is what we have in Windows and Linux.


    As from what people are posting on the new iCal and Apple Mail, I am afraid the OS is becoming less business intuitive, less functionality, less uniforminality among apps. Something that may hurt Apple more with trying to integrate into the business world.

    With the old iCal, I can choose what events I want to see. I can have separate calendars for items, etc. I have several apps that have their own calendar in ical - which allows me turn on or off viewing them with a check box.

    edit - Although I am looking forward to a uniformed iChat.

    Apr 24, 11:26 PM
    I have a friend that has had his iPhone 3g on T-Mobile for a year:confused:. He got it unlocked (T-Mobile had to have his phone to do it) and he was on the service! Problems he had with AT&T made it possible.

    Jul 12, 11:08 AM
    That's more or less what I've done. The issue is this. If you envision a twenty page booklet, it will consist of five pieces of paper. On the front of the first piece of paper, the left panel will be page 20 and the right panel will be page 1. On the back, the left panel will be page 2 and the right panel will be page 19. And so on. It is this non-sequential printing of the pages that I'm struggling with. How do you tell it to print pages 20 and 1 on the first piece of paper, other than having it print page 1, then putting the paper back into the printer and having it print page 20.

    (A big reason that I'm trying to get away from the manual solution is that I want to save this as a PDF so I can hand it to a copy shop to print out multiple copies for me. But, unfortunately, you can't print to a PDF page twice. :) Oh, and I've tried using the Layout option in the print dialog, but it reduces that page image dramatically, so 10pt font becomes 6pt font. So that wasn't a good solution...)

    May 3, 11:34 PM
    What I'm really guessing happened is that AT&T had no idea why the upgrade got pushed back and they covered it up with this, coincidentally matching the rumors. (or the AT&T CR looks at these tech rumors)

    Dec 2, 09:46 AM
    I'll say it before, and I'll say it again, this is a critical time for Apple and it's no time to be an Apple apologist. It's time to hold Apple's feet to the fire. Being soft on them isn't helping them. It's just enabling them not to realize their full potential.

    OSX is good, but that's no reason for complacency. If Apple doesn't work out these bugs (and I know of more than a few irritating ones, besides the kernal vulnerabilities) it's not going to remain a quality product.

    Sep 13, 01:47 PM
    Dare I post this on a Mac site? :p

    !! Where DID you get that?

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