Sunday 22 May 2011

zach galifianakis into the wild scene

zach galifianakis into the wild scene. best scenes in
  • best scenes in

  • hansiedejong
    Jan 29, 11:30 AM
    KLM tickets: Amsterdam - Los Angeles on April 29 --- San Francisco - Amsterdam on May 8.

    Making the Highway 1 route from LA to SF with my father. It's for my 16th birthday. :cool:

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Zach+galifianakis+hangover
  • Zach+galifianakis+hangover

  • Mord
    Apr 24, 03:15 PM
    But most reasonable people should realize that being drunk in the ghetto as a transgendered guy isn't the brightest idea.

    Again, you're simply being offensive by referring to her as a "transgendered guy", never mind the fact that the whole mentality of victim blaming works on EXACTLY those principles.

    Women who are raped often would not have been raped had they dressed differently or avoided a certain area, is it their fault now? Victim blaming is victim blaming, she had the right to enter that establishment and use the loos she did, she was attacked for it. The only people in the wrong were the attackers and arguably the staff for not intervening

    Are you seriously suggesting that this woman should just stay at home rather than risk going outside because her very nature could inflame people to attack her?

    Are you implying that black underprivileged people can't handle transsexuality, but white middle class people can? This **** happens everywhere, it even happened in san francisco about a month ago.

    Your whole mentality is downright offensive.

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Zach Galifianakis for GQ US
  • Zach Galifianakis for GQ US

  • Alexjungle
    Apr 27, 04:45 PM
    Ugh! I bought my imac in 2007 and now I'm kicking myself for not waiting till next week.

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Zach+galifianakis+hangover
  • Zach+galifianakis+hangover

  • cloud 9
    Aug 20, 06:05 AM
    do you need to have a zillion gigabites free to use time machine in a decent way?

    for example, if you have a 1 gigabite film, and u delete it 'putting it in the trash, and empty trash', it's still going to be on your hard drive, taking up space, right? and will it also save your cookies, bookmarks, deleted programs,

    i rarely delete stuff by i hope this can be turned off, and won't interrupt much of my normal workflow, the way things are deleted now.


    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Zach+galifianakis+gq+cover
  • Zach+galifianakis+gq+cover

  • bushido
    Apr 24, 09:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    oops delete please ^^ stupid iphone

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. top zach galifianakis chip
  • top zach galifianakis chip

  • gnasher729
    Apr 22, 04:14 AM
    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    Samsung is so arrogant, they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Ripping off their biggest customer. Then suing their biggest customer.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    What is apple complaining about

    I think this is a lawsuit its best for everyone to avoid.

    Another repost of this picture that was long since debunked. The picture claims that the Samsung F700 was showed first on Cebit 2006. If you google for "Samsung Cebit 2006" and then for "Samsung Cebit 2007", the first finds lots of photos of Samsung phones that look completely different than any iPhone, the second finds a tech website that dug out a link to their own reporting from Cebit 2007 where the F700 was shown as a reply to the iPhone and the LG phone.


    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. See Zach Galifianakis, Ed
  • See Zach Galifianakis, Ed

  • dba7dba
    Apr 13, 03:25 PM
    You might have inside sources at Apple, because you seem to be too sure that it will cost 2K and would only last for 2 - 3 years.

    I remember people not wanting an iPad when the rumors broke out. Same thing.

    So how much do you think the rumored Apple TV should cost to be wildly successful WHILE maintaining 50% (approx) profit margin?

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Whos soperhaps best zach
  • Whos soperhaps best zach

  • Porchland
    Aug 15, 03:30 PM
    What's the next logical step in a computer interface? I used to say "Computer, show me the money" to open Quicken back in pre-OS X days. More of a gimmick than anything else, but imagine if the Finder and maybe even other apps became "speakable."

    Me: "Check mail"

    Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"

    Me: "No, thanks."

    (clicks on an email, reads message)

    Me: "Reply to this message"

    Computer: "Type or speak?

    Me: "Type"


    Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."

    Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"

    Me: "One from the birthday party last week."

    Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"

    Me: "Yes, that will be fine."

    Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.

    Me: "Send the email"

    Me: "...and order me a pizza."

    This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.

    I want mine to use the old-school Mac voice that Radiohead used in "Fitter Happier."


    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. about zach galifianakis
  • about zach galifianakis

  • peacenfunk
    Apr 22, 06:57 PM
    Having the back like the ipod touch would be quite bad.

    And it's aluminium:p

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Gq zach galifianakis x gq may
  • Gq zach galifianakis x gq may

  • nishishei
    Aug 18, 12:08 PM
    I've seen the blue screen on XP. It's funny because I've been told by Windows users that it doesn't exist in XP, yet I witnessed it two weeks ago when a colleague of mine was trying to do something with Adobe Acrobat. The program just spazzed and the blue screen came up.
    Your colleague either downloads porn/warez, or there is a potential hard drive physical failure (bad sectors on the disk), or he has crappy 3rd party drivers. Seriously, I've never seen the blue screen in XP and I've used XP since it came out on 3 computers plus work. These jokes on the XP blue screen are so misinformed that the laugh is on the joker. XP is very stable considering how much compatibility it has to provide for the infinite combinations of drivers, software and hardware.


    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Loving zach galifianakis
  • Loving zach galifianakis

  • Popeye206
    Apr 13, 08:39 PM
    That is why iPhone (4) sales will remain close to zero until the iPhone 5 introduction. A white iPhone 4 will not change that very much. :rolleyes:

    ????? When did this happen? You do realize that 99% of consumers don't follow this stuff that close and have no idea when products are released.

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Zach Galifianakis in quot;The
  • Zach Galifianakis in quot;The

  • VirtualRain
    Apr 5, 09:35 PM
    The Celebrity Eclipse, tethered in the harbor at George Town, Grand Cayman, shot from the tender transporting us to shore.

    ISO 100, 18 mm, 0 ev, f/7.1, 1/200
    C&C welcome & appreciated.

    Nice shot. That ship is monstrous!

    Another of mine from the market...


    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. into the wild film 29 Picture
  • into the wild film 29 Picture

  • Schtumple
    Jul 14, 02:56 PM

    See below :p

    Are we keeping this thread up forever, yesterdays news, pull it!:cool:

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. Sources: quot;how to film a scenequot;
  • Sources: quot;how to film a scenequot;

  • Meall
    Apr 13, 02:40 PM
    Apple is ont in th� mariera where there is small profit. So why a TV set would be I nteresting for them.

    Anyone wants an Apple iPod hi-fi?


    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. with zach galifianakis ago
  • with zach galifianakis ago

  • roadbloc
    Apr 14, 03:30 AM
    A typo.

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. video zach galifianakis is
  • video zach galifianakis is

  • theking79
    May 2, 06:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'm very skeptical that the iMacs are coming today(tuesday) there has been no leaked specs/pics of box or anything else, you normally get this before a refresh.

    Also iMacs are still shipping in 24hrs on the apple website, a good sign that the new iMacs are not coming just yet.


    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. zach galifianakis is On
  • zach galifianakis is On

  • rmwebs
    Apr 28, 05:00 PM
    Here's another way to slice it (literally). Flipped half the image. Left the guidelines on this one as well.

    Image (

    I agree that this is no substitute for measuring the actual phone, but, at least in that photo, they are identical. Certainly not off by 1mm as the original post states.

    Take a closer look at those edges there...they aren't lined up correctly, still meaning the results are out. I agree that its certainly not 1mm, but its still not getting an accurate result. I might even go as far as to say the plastic is thicker, and the band is thinner.

    If you look at the middle gridline, you can see very light masking from the black overlapping the white...not a major amount but enough to be a few microns out of shape.

    Maybe we should just grab a couple of iphones for...ahem....testing purposes! :)

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. (Zach Galifianakis).
  • (Zach Galifianakis).

  • britishempire
    Jul 29, 11:15 AM
    i'll actually be more likely to go out and get a new iPod this christmas, thank to Zune.

    Just to spite MS. :)

    zach galifianakis into the wild scene. had Zach Galifianakis
  • had Zach Galifianakis

  • plinden
    Oct 18, 04:34 PM
    As always, the iPod is Apple's real cash cow.
    Pity you didn't read the figures before commenting:

    Aug 15, 11:05 AM
    More important than an "empty" button I would like to see a restore function in the Trash, where you can highlight one or more files or folders and click the "restore" button.

    Ahem... Time Machine!

    Doc didnt spend all that time inventing the flux capacitor for nothing you know :D

    Jul 10, 01:31 PM
    Maybe that's the way it strikes you, but this isn't the way it strikes those of us who've been using Pages since it came out.

    But all of my work is poorly-researched, so maybe that's why I like it.


    A bit harsh, aren't you? They're supposedly integrating better search features into the next version of Pages precisely to improve the researching component of writing. So it's not like I'm the only one who thinks that Pages needs more to better compare to Word. As it stands, I'll give Pages a shot if I need to do something fancier than writing for MFA workshops.

    Plus, I save a couple of bucks.

    Jul 24, 04:00 PM
    I like my Logitech G5, which ships with two battery packs and a USB recharger, so that I am never stuck with a wireless mouse without batteries. Wish the new Mighty Mouse would do this, it would have the added benefit that it uses Bluetooth and not RF so I could lose the dongle.

    I suppose I could use a standard AA battery recharger. I haven't seen one in use since about 10 years ago and they never used to be very good...

    The other thing is that the Logitech mouse is a laser mouse, which is the only thing that works on my glossy white desk surface. I like the mighty mouse look and design but it won't work on my desk. (No I don't want a mousepad)

    Dec 1, 02:37 PM
    An interesting read in response to the kernel panic ability of the .DMG vulnerability:

    Guess what I found? Not only is lmh’s diagnosis completely incorrect, but the problem isn’t a security flaw at all, let alone a critical, highly critical, or warn-everyone-via-the-BBC type event.

    A very insteresting read.. most of which I only barely grasp. Object oriented programming just makes my eyes glaze thinking about it.. The gist:

    So, what have we learned:

    • It is not a memory overwrite bug.

    • It is not exploitable, except in that you can kernel panic a machine if you can persuade a user to double-click a damaged dmg file.

    • It is not, therefore, possible to use this bug for privilege elevation or to execute arbitrary code in the kernel.

    In fact, all lmh has found here is a bug that causes a kernel panic. Not a security flaw. Not a memory corruption bug. Just a completely orderly kernel panic. There aren’t even any processor exceptions involved; the path to the panic is perfectly normal non-exceptional code using ordinary function calls.

    AppleTalk: Who uses it, and why?

    No one.. and stangely it's now ON by DEFAULT in all the MacTels I've received lately. No idea why.

    Mar 11, 04:42 PM
    who's charlie sheen?

    You, I suppose. ;)

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